I started by taking the cassowary, giraffe, and matamata turtle images and cutting out the background and excess body to get the parts I wanted to use (head, body, and shell) using a layer mask(refining it using the paint brush - black)
- Next, I took all the images and using the transform tool I fit them together into one creature
- Using the clone tool I attempted to blend the new parts into each other a little better
- Then I created adjustment layers for all 3 parts in order to color balance all of them to try to get the separate images to have the same color tone
- On the cassowary using the erase tool I erased the color balance on same of the parts that needed to be colored like the eye and parts of the beak
- I continued to blend the images by using the DODGE tool to brighten different areas
- As the giraffes in my background photo did not have shadows, I did not use the burn tool to give a shadow to the cassogirafurtle
- Finally, I duplicated all my layers - hid the originals - and merged them into one layer making it visible and naming it cassogirafurtle
- Inserted a background image, adjusted cassogirafurtle size as nesscesary, and added my watermark